A Text To My Friend

I was laid off in August, during Covid, from a job that I didn’t love. The best part was working with a dynamic group of interesting people on my team. The worst was poor leadership and low employee morale. Even with all of that I still enjoyed my career, or did I? I took several months to re-evaluate myself and what I truly wanted. What I wanted was to focus on the things I was good at. I wanted to have flexibility enough to have a life outside of my job. I wanted to have fun. Somewhere along the way I stopped having fun.

My family and I are making a huge change in a few months and I’m going to embrace it. Closing the ‘office job’ chapter of my career, for now at least. Not sealing it shut permanently but I did delete the LinkedIn app on my phone, and that’s not insignificant. I’ve been exploring and dabbling in a few other things that I enjoy. Unfortunately, the exploring and dabbling are not bringing home the bacon, but I’m grateful that I have the flexibility and support to do that right now.

Which brings me to the title of this post. I had a moment. What the actual fuck am I doing with my life? Have I made a huge mistake? I messaged a friend during a little freakout today and she called me immediately and talked me off the proverbial ledge.

Panicked message to my friend. She called me immediately. Love you!

Panicked message to my friend. She called me immediately. Love you!

Hubs said I should embrace this new chapter. To focus on my creative side, like pottery, or writing short story fiction, or exploring coffee roasting, or something else that I really want to do but never had the time for. I’m not honestly sure what that is. But I can promise you I need to do something that makes me feel valued. Valuable. I think I had too much of my identity tied up in my career because I’m often thinking ‘now what?’

I know. I’m very aware of how fortunate I am and what a privileged place I am in right now to even be considering this. I’m trying really hard to embrace where I’m at. I chose this. I am choosing this moment. Take a breath. Visualize this with me: an art studio/ coffee shop/ book store with an excessive amount of greenery. You’re all invited.